A program consisting of mobilities and breath work to prepare your pelvis and pelvic floor for labor while encouraging baby into an optimal position for birth.
to what "others" may tell you, you can most certain increase the likelihood of less birth complications by what you do during pregnancy
Now, I'm not at all saying we can control how your baby enters into this world. Birth is still VERY MUCH 110% uncontrollable with what unfolds usually out of our control.
What I am saying though, is you can PREPARE your body to enter birth in many controllable ways so that your baby has the most optimal chance at being born with little intervention and little tearing.
There is also a lot knowledge about the process of birth and birthing positions that you can take with you into birth as tools to help you advocate for yourself during labor, because unfortunately, most modern health care falls very short in this department.
Here's the thing though, doing this requires a lot of dedication and awareness on your part.
Birth is like a marathon. You can't expect birth to go as you want or envision if you're not willing to put in the "miles" prior. Neither of us would ever consider to run a marathon without training for it...birth is no different.
So let me help you prepare yourself, your body, and your baby for a birth experience you desire all laid out for you in an easy to follow program with supporting education to teach you the tools that you can bring with you into your labor.

What If I Said Your Birth Could Look Like...
*PLEASE note that nothing you do will guarantee the below to actually happen during birth....this program strictly supports what the research shows as methods and ways to optimize and promote the below to happen.
Spontaneous Labor
Imagine a labor that begins all it own and stays rolling because your baby is in a position that pushes pressure down on the cervix.
A Vaginal Birth
Imagine not being so afraid of having a vaginal birth or having one that lines up with that you envision for yourself. Heck, just the courage to try for a VBAC even.
Decreased Chances of Severe Tearing
Imagine a more optimal recovery during your postpartum because you experienced less tearing because your pelvic floor knew how to get out of the way.
A Quicker Labor
Imagine a labor that just keeps moving - intense? maybe - but continues to progress at a pace that is right for your baby without stalling or labor stopping.
A Body that just FEELS GOOD to go into labor
Imagine just going into delivery - vaginal or cesarean - just feeling good! Just imagine how that alone is going to launch you into a better postpartum.

But...what if I'm not a planning a vaginal birth?
Let's clear the air right now and say that regardless of the type of birth you're either 1) choosing for yourself or 2) ends up happening, the contents within this program will still applicable & beneficial to you.
That's because during pregnancy, the body needs - craves even - movement.
The mobilities found within this guide, 110% help to prepare your pelvic floor and encourage baby's position, but they also help to alleviate aches and pains so that your hips don't hurt, your low back doesn't ache, and your pelvic floor doesn't feel so heavy. And mobilities do those things because you're keeping the pelvis and supporting ligaments and muscles moving while also helping to position baby in a comfy position so he or she isn't cramming up a muscle or joint.
Not only that, but the breath work will help bring you mindfulness during a time that can feel really overwhelming, especially if you're navigating pregnancy after loss or pursuing a VBAC for yourself.
So trust me when I say, I see you too Mama

You desire a birth experience that leaves you empowered...
But you feel overwhelmed with what to do in your training because...
You've heard "pelvic floor down training for birth", but don't' know what the heck that is
Because in all honesty you don't really know what your pelvic floor or what it feels like for it to move
Your doctor & app tells you to "do your kegals"
They are supposed to be the experts right, so you follow their advice, but end up feeling lost and confused and don't know who is right because you hear me say "Don't do kegals! You need to know how to get your pelvic floor out of the way for birth."
You didn't know you could do anything to impact your birth experience
I know I sure as heck thought this with my first! I was clueless to all the ways I could support my body and baby through movement during both my pregnancy and labor. Like you, I relied on my doctors and nurses to help me during labor and didn't realize how little they would actually be with me during labor.
"I was tired of being cut"
Here is What You'll Learn
It's the birth education that sets this program apart from other "follow-along" programs
How to breathe to actually release your pelvic floor
Just doing mobilities, "to do mobilities" isn't enough. Your breath is how the pelvic floor releases and learning to breathe "to your butthole" is key to releasing your pelvic floor
Mobilities to Open the 3 Openings of the Pelvis
Most mobilities I see floating around the socials only target the pelvic inlet (top) which is the easiest to open. I focus more on the mid-pelvis and pelvic outlet which are the 2 places where labor stalls because baby gets "stuck" or "hung up"
Natural Labor Promotion
Nothing will "put you into labor", but there are very specific things you can (and should be) doing to help put your baby in an optimal position and beginning putting pressure on the cervix to let the body know baby is ready when it is
Practicing Labor
You can practice laboring at home. Will it be close to what you actually experience? No, but neither are the miles you put in for a marathon. Get the reps now through intense mobilities that force you to focus on your breathing and melting.
Labor Positions & When to Use Them
Many mobilities double as great laboring positions for birth. Get those reps in again and learn how to actually utilize a birth ball besides bouncing on it (not a great idea FYI). Learn about fetal station and the different stages of labor and what mobilities you can use to help baby move through the pelvis.
Olivia is also a fellow PPA Coach who was also a 1-on-1 Remote Client of mine who recently had a successful VBAC in her most recent pregnancy. I incorporated The Resilient Birth Prep Program into her programming beginning at week 20 of her pregnancy. Olivia went into labor naturally at 40w4d. Read more about her story here.

Labor Facts...
I bet you didn't know
On the top of your uterus is the Fundus which is a powerful muscle that pushes your baby down during labor. Your pelvic floor needs to be able to relax and lengthen so the fundus can push.
Your pelvis is a circle which means your baby can be head down in 360 different angles. And that isn't counting if your baby's head is laying sideways or pulled back.
Read that again.
Your pelvic floor will stretch to at least 3x it's original length during the crowning portion of labor. Kegels aren't going to help your body do this.
How cool is it that your body is designed with more space on the L-side of the body to house your baby. A baby entering the pelvis on the L is the most optimal side for birth.
Your pelvis isn't a fixed structure, How you position your legs moves the bones of the pelvis which changes the shape of the pelvis.
Walking is key to helping start labor and keep it moving. Walking creates an asymmetrical shift in the pelvis that shimmies baby's head side to side encouraging it down to the cervix.
What's Inside?
This is MORE THAN a program.
This program will fill in the gaps between when you know about preparing for birth and what you're being told. Enter birth with tools and a confidence knowing you've PUT IN THE REPS and done all you can CONTROL to optimize your labor experience.
74 Page Guide (check out sample pages below)
Implement digitally or by hard-copy (I'm old school and need a copy)
47 mobilities broken up by the 3 pelvis openings and also labeled with aches and pains their help alleviate.
Each mobility has pictures, written cuing, and demo video with voice-over coaching cues linked or QR code to view.
Over 2.5hrs of expanded learning videos that expand upon the content proving more context and help you see visually (this isn't including the video demos for exercises)
Instructional walk-through videos explaining how to utilize and implement the guide, the mobilities into your programming, and the follow-along program.
Know when to do what with a follow-along schedule for weeks 30-41 that includes mobility sessions, baby positioning, and natural labor promotion.
Labor Positioning Cheat Sheets you can print off and throw in your labor baby of all the mobilities that double as laboring positions.
LIFETIME ACCESS - Receive instant access to any updates & revisions for free

how to perform the mobilities
with voiced-over coaching cues with every one
Check out this sample of the Adductor Rockback
What do you consider a month?The 1st "month" doesn't begin until you get your first week of programming because of all that needs to happen prior to me putting together your programming. The last thing I want to do is put together something that is too hard or too easy for you which is why I do the assessment and first virtual meeting prior to putting together your programming. And I don't think it's fair to charge you for the time it takes me to go through everything and design your programming After that, each "month" is 4 weeks of programming with automatic billing running on the start date of your 2nd month.
Why is the first month more expensive?Because you and I will spend a lot of time together educating you on all things breath, posture, core engagements, and movement form. We will spend almost 6 hours together in that first month teaching you concepts that are 100% based off what your body needs and what I see within your movements and breathing assessment. In these sessions, you'll gain the confidence to begin implementing into your workouts as I slowly introduce these concepts over your first month.
What if I don't have lots of equipment or a gym membership?No worries! I work with what you have whether that be at home with minimal equipment or in a gym with loads of equipment. All I ask is that you tell me exactly what you have to work with.
What happens if I experience a sudden life change?No matter what motherhood sends your way, I'm with you. Whether you become pregnant, experience pregnancy loss, decide to do IVF, need to have surgery, or break your arm.....I'm with you. Your programming will automatically adjust even if I already had it done. One-on-One Remote Training is all about meeting you where you're at even when that changes in a blink of an eye.
Is there a minimum number of months I have to sign up for?Nope! Because I don't ever want you to feel like you're locked in. If you feel like you've learned what you've needed or overcame what you signed up for, then just let me know and I'll end your payment processing. No hurt feelings on my end because I truly want every Mama to graduate with the confidence to apply what she has learned to her body and use the tools to adjust as she navigates motherhood.
Do I need to have a fancy camera to send my videos to you?Nope! Your phone, tablet, or computer works just fine. I just need to see you and your entire body moving within the frame.