Fitness During Pregnancy
With in-person and virtual options, this is the workshop for any expecting or planning to become pregnant mama. Walk away with tools to understand what "listening to your body" means and continue working out in a way that honors your pregnancy and protects your core and pelvic floor. Workshop will also cover exercise inclusions for pregnancy, mobility for pregnancy & delivery, and lifestyle adjustments.

You're Pregnant...
not broken,
but not invincible either
Exercise during pregnancy isn’t a one size fits all. Learning how to make adjustments to your fitness routine involves listening to your body, but do you know what that means? Join me as I teach you what “listening to your body" means and how you can continue fitness while still honoring this beautiful chapter of motherhood. You’ll learn how to protect your core and pelvic floor and how to make adjustments to your fitness routine that consider your core health and growing baby. The workshop will also cover lifestyle adjustments and mobility work you can incorporate to help you move better and encourage baby’s positioning. All expecting or plan-to-be expecting mamas encouraged to attend!
"Fitness During Pregnancy isn't so much about what you do or don't do, it's about HOW you do it."
Fitness During Pregnancy Workshop Will Cover...
4-part workshop
A in-depth workshop on how to make safe and appropriate adjustments to your pregnancy that support your changing body and allow you to feel safe (because that matters too, especially if this is a pregnancy after loss).
Workshop will be broken into 4 segments
1. How to Listen to Your Body & Why it's Important
2. Breath, Core Engagement Strategies, & Mindset
3. Exercise Adjustments & Inclusions to Support Your Pregnant Body
4. Daily Living & Mobilities for Labor Prep

Ashton does a FABULOUS job of scaffolding how to best approach fitness when pregnant. I really appreciated that her presentation began with the basics and progressed with how to apply the knowledge when training during pregnancy. Learning how to breathe properly, stand correctly aligned, and figure out how to best utilize various exercises during specific trimesters was truly beneficial for me. I can't wait to apply what I learned!